Private parking area

Private parking area

Free parking at the hotel!

When you are thinking about your vacation in Skopelos, an issue that definitely concerns you is your transportation on the island. In fact, if you are going to visit the island in your personal car or rent one there, then another important problem is added: Parking.

In our accommodation we provide free parking for your car 24 hours a day. Your car will remain safe and at your disposal, just a few steps from your room.

The main advantage of our place is that we are close to the port, so you can take your afternoon walk next to the deep blue sea and the beach shops, parking your vehicle in our accommodation, as on peak days a parking space in the port or in public parking, is hard to find.

There’s no requirement for parking space reservation.

In case you are thinking of going to Skopelos without your own car, but you wish to rent one during your stay, our staff will inform you and will propose the best, at the most preferential market price.